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In a village, number of male, female and children are in the ratio of 3:5:7. If 90% of the males are literate, 80% of females are literate and 40% of ch...
Out of the total income of Ravi, he spends 50% on food, 10% on rent and 20% on groceries. Out of the remaining income, he donates 30% in a charity and s...
Certain number of students from two schools takes part in an examination. Out of a total of 100 students who participated from ABC school, x% failed in ...
In a job fair, 50% of the people are graduates, one fifth of them are post graduates and rest are double graduates. If three-fourth of the graduates, 60...
The income of ‘A’ increases by 26% every year. If the present income of ‘A’ is Rs. 25401.6 and his expenditure 2 years ago from now was Rs. 1400...
20% of 35% of a number is 175. What is 18% of that number?
A person sells each package of snacks for Rs. 10 each. On Monday, he sold 100 packages which was 25 more than that on Tuesday but 10 less than that on W...
In an office, there are some employees. Among them, 30% prefer Tea, 42% prefer Coffee, and the rest prefer Juice. If the differen...
A spent 20% of his monthly income on study and 70% of the remaining on rent. If amount spent on rent is Rs. 840, then find the amount spent on study
If A's height is 40% less than that of B, how much percent B's height is more than that of A?