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The following contains pairs of words which are related to each other in a certain way. Three of the following four word pairs are alike because they ha...
Rohan started from his home to go to his school. He went 100 meters towards the South, then turned towards the West and walked 50 metres. He then turned...
For an integer n, n!=n.(n-1).(n-2). ... 3.2 .1. Then 1! +2!+3!+...+ 100! when divided by 5 leaves remainder _________.
H, V, G, T, F, R, E, P,?, ?
Select the figure that will replace the question mark (?) in the following figure series.
Statements: All people are tall. Some tall are buildings. No buildings are clocks.
Conclusion I: Some people are buildings.
Conclusion II:...
a) Either he is happy or he is poor.
b) He is happy.
Inference : He is poor.
In a certain code language, if BECAME is written EHFCOG, how will CLOSER be written in the same code language?
Select the figure that will come in place of the question mark (?) in the following figure series.
Ram and Shyam started together from same point. Ram walked 5 metres towards the East direction and Shyam walked 12 metres towards the North Direction ....