Replace ‘thought’ with ‘think’. ‘must’ is a modal auxiliary which takes first term of verb after it. i.e. Must + V₁+ ……….
Corals are colonial animals that resemble humans in one respect: they’re great engineers. Corals construct reefs by excreting calcium carbonate. H...
The dark clouds indicate a dust storm ________ outside.
After years of hard work and dedication, he achieved _________ success in his chosen field.
(A) The success of the project depended on the team's _____________ to meet the tight deadlines.
(B) The contract's _____________ in ensuring com...
Children need ___________ to make sense of their internal and external worlds.
Turning around a __________ ship is never easy.
(A) large
(B) small
(C) tiny
(D) huge
Cryptocurrencies represent a novel and rapidly _______ form of digital currency that has the ________ to reshape financial systems and transactions.
I prepared myself for one last shot, my ____________, my final foray.
In the following question a sentence is given with a blank. Choose the most appropriate option to make the sentence contextually and grammatically corr...
The court ________ cognisance of the criminal's words.