
    The following sentence has been split into four segments. Identify the segment that contains a grammatical error and select the option which rectifies that error.

    During the summer vacation, we plan to visit several cities / to explore their rich history / and learning about / their cultural heritage.

    A During the summer vacation, we plan to visit several cities Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B to explore their rich history Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C and learning about Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D their cultural heritage Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    The segment "and learning about" introduces a grammatical inconsistency. To maintain parallel structure with "to explore their rich history", which uses the infinitive form, the correct phrase should also use the infinitive form: "and to learn about". Thus, the corrected sentence should read: "During the summer vacation, we plan to visit several cities to explore their rich history and to learn about their cultural heritage."

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