The error is in part 1. The preposition "to" is necessary after the verb "help" when it is followed by a verb. Therefore, the correct sentence is: Restoring soil health would help to mitigate the effects of climate change.
This soil property which impacts nutrient movement to plant roots through mass flow and diffusion?
Which of the following state has highest area under organic farming in India?
World food safety day celebrated on?
Which state has the highest share of Cotton production in terms of area?
What is the germination percentage requirement for foundation and certified seed classes in paddy?
The ratio of weight of unit volume of dry soil including pore spaces to weight of an equal volume of water is:
Leghaemoglobin is a pigment present in:
Spray of Bacillus thuriengiensis is suggested to manage the:
Green manuring crop having stem nodule is:
Which nutrient helps in preventing Microcytic Anaemia?