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The error is in part 3. The correct phrase should be "in the downtown area." The preposition "in" is used for locations, not "on" in this context.
if ratio of present age of Aman to that of Bineet is given as 2:3 and the ratio of present age of Aman to that of Chintu is 13:8.Then, what will be the ...
A school sells notebooks at ₹20 each. If a student buys 10 notebooks and there is a 15% discount on the total price, what is the final amount the stud...
In a city, the number of persons travelling by bike is 65% the number of persons travelling by metro. The number of persons travelling on foot is 80% th...
The monthly salary of Harshita and Himani together is Rs.72225. The salary of Harshita and Himani is increased by 15% and 20% respe...
If two successive discounts of 20% and 12% are applied, what would be the equivalent single discount?
84 is what % of 120?
Ajay spent 35% of his monthly income on rent and 48% of the remaining on food and the rest amount is saved by him which is Rs. 2873, then find the month...
A batsman scored 124 runs, which included 6 boundaries and 10 sixes. What percentage of his total score did he make by running between the wickets?
A man invested all his current month income in starting of a new business in which he spends 30% in advertisement 15% of remaining in furniture 20% of r...
If 20% of a = b and then b is: