Using (i): The market is volatile; thus, investors are advised to diversify their portfolios as it helps in mitigating risks. Using (ii): The market is volatile; therefore, investors are advised to diversify their portfolios as it helps in mitigating risks. Using (iii): The market is volatile, so investors are advised to diversify their portfolios as it helps in mitigating risks. All three starters are contextually and grammatically appropriate.
After deciding to leave interest rates unchanged and retain the RBI’s accommodative policy stance, what position do the policymakers think they ar...
After reading the passage carefully,complete the following sentence:-
It is true that rupee and Nifty derivatives are________________.
Why according to the passage, is it essential for India to keep its commitment on Paris Agreement?
What is the meaning of ‘cannot feign surprise’ as used in the passage?
How was the author's second alone visit to the tea shop different from the first?
Choose the option that is opposite in meaning to SPRAWL highlighted in the passage.
Which of the following statements is definitely true according to the passage?
Which one of the following maybe a suitable meaning of the following phrase ‘brushed under the carpet’ as used in the passage above.
...Which of the following is a near antonym of the word ‘skeptical’?