
    Spot the grammatical errors in the given sentence. Mark

    the part with error as your answer. If there is no error, mark "No error" as the answer. (Ignore punctuation error) The judge advised the government to (a)/ have metered autorickshaws across the state while (b)/ recounting his personal experience where an autorickshaw driver (c)/ made him to wait and also demanded 100. (d)/ No error (e)
    A The judge advised the government to Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B have metered autorickshaws across the state while Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C recounting his personal experience where an autorickshaw driver Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D made him to wait and also demanded 100 Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E No error Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    In Part D, 'made him to wait' should be changed to 'made him wait' to make the sentence correct

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