
    In the paragraphs given below count the number of

    grammatical errors and mark that as your answer.  As India had rushed headlong to embrace and champion a future corralled by the three horseman of digitalisation - automation, AI and robotics - it should seriously ponder how it will balance the needs of ordinary citizens for the existing challenges of slowing economic growth, a depreciating currency, elevated food inflation, low job creation and a ballooning subsidy bill.
    A if the sentence has three or less than three errors Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B if the sentence has four errors Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C if the sentence has no error Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D if the sentence has six errors Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E if the sentence has more than six errors Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    Error 1 - As India had rushed" The use of "had rushed" (past perfect tense) is incorrect here because the context does not suggest a past action that occurred before another past action. "As India rushes" (simple present tense) is appropriate. Error 2 - "the three horseman of digitalisation" As mentioned earlier, "horseman" should be "horsemen" because the phrase refers to three entities, making the plural form "horsemen" correct. Error 3 - "for the existing challenges" The phrase "for the existing challenges" is incorrect. The correct preposition should be "with", not "for", as it refers to balancing the needs of ordinary citizens with the challenges, not "for" them. The phrase should be "with the existing challenges".

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