
    In the paragraphs given below count the number of

    grammatical errors and mark that as your answer.  The state of Karnataka has making strides to empower micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) and fostered industrial growth along its Tier-2 and Tier-3 cities. Against this backdrop, Krishna delved into initiatives targeted small and medium enterprises (SMEs), emerging sectors at the intersection of disruptive technologies, and Karnataka’s strategic edge in promoting inclusive industrial development.
    A if the sentence has three or less than three errors Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B if the sentence has four errors Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C if the sentence has no error Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D if the sentence has six errors Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E if the sentence has more than six errors Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    Error 1 - "The state of Karnataka has making strides" The phrase "has making strides" is grammatically incorrect. IT should be “Has been making”. Error 2 - Fostered should be Foster.  Error 3 - Along should be Across. Error 4 - The phrase "targeted small and medium enterprises (SMEs)" is wrong. It should be targeting. 

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