
    In the paragraphs given below count the number of

    grammatical errors and mark that as your answer.  We become whatever we connect ourselves with. If we connect ourselves with the perishable, we will become perishable. Whatever changes and has changed in it’s fundamental essence is perishable. We cannot change nature. The intrinsic nature of things cannot be changed. In your core, you are immortal and imperishable - this cannot change. 
    A if the sentence has three or less than three errors Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B if the sentence has four errors Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C if the sentence has no error Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D if the sentence has six errors Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E if the sentence has more than six errors Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    Error 1 - we will become perishable  we become perishable [ Present Simple tense] Error 2 - "it’s" → "its" (possessive form). We become whatever we connect ourselves with. If we connect ourselves with the perishable, we become perishable. Whatever changes and has changed in its fundamental essence is perishable. We cannot change nature. The intrinsic nature of things cannot be changed. In your core, you are immortal and imperishable - this cannot change. 

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