In A, replace "at the global stage" with "on the global stage" because the correct preposition to use with "stage" in this context is "on" rather than "at." We say "on the stage" when referring to a figurative or literal stage where events take place. "At" is incorrect here because it does not properly convey the idea of participation or presence in a broader context like the global stage.The corrected sentence would be: "The pride in individual success of a few on the global stage often overshadows the need for systemic reforms that would advance India’s place in the world."Therefore, 1 is the right answer.
The first wheat variety having short plant height, lodging resistance and higher grain yield was
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Which of the following combination is incorrect?
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The animals lack the capacity to regulate their body temperature are termed as …………………………..
...Chemical formula of single superphosphate is:
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