
    You are presented with a sentence which is divided into

    five parts. The part in bold is grammatically correct. Out of the remaining four parts, three are grammatically incorrect and one is error free. You have to identify the part that is grammatically correct and mark the answer accordingly. If all the parts are grammatically correct then mark 'no error' as your answer. The idea was also to converting popular, (A) / generational hand-me-down games that (B) / have evolved organically, like cops-and-robbers (C) / and book cricket, into more (D) / contemporary, relatable board or card games (E).
    A B Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B A Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C C Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D D Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E No error Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    The error is in part A, which can be corrected in two ways. Either we'll change the present participle form "converting" to the base form convert, which can then go with the infinitive "to" or we'll change the participle "to" to "of", which will then be correct with converting. Since part A has the error, option B will be the correct answer.

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