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In a factory with 8750 workers, 44% are men, and the remaining are women. 60% of the men and 45% of the women work as managers, out of which only 160 me...
‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ entered into a partnership by making investments in the ratio 5:2:9, respectively. At end of the year, if the difference be...
‘D’ started a business with a capital of Rs. 15000. After 4 months, ‘E’ joined the business with a capital of Rs. 10000. 6 months after ‘E’,...
‘A’ and ‘B’ started a business by investing Rs. 32000 and Rs. 30000, respectively. 12 months later, ‘C’ joined the business by investing Rs....
A and B started a business by investing Rs.420 and Rs.550 respectively. After 6 months, A increased his investment by Rs.760. Find the ratio of annual p...
Three friends, Aman, Bheema, and Chetan, together invested a total of Rs. 9400. After one year, they received profits of Rs. 1440...
A starts business with Rs.10000 and after 5 months, B joins with A as his partner. After a year, the profit divided in the 5:7. What is B’s contribut...
Mayank and Manoj started a business with investing capital in the ratio of 8:15. After 4 months, Mayank reduced his (1 )/(4 ) portion of the capital and...
P started a business investing Rs.20000. After 4 months, Q joined her with the capital of Rs.25000. After another 6 months, R joined them with the capit...
M and N started a business by investing Rs.4500 and Rs.5600 respectively. After 5 months, M and N increased their investments by 40% and Rs.1500 respect...