The word ‘arrive’ fits in all the sentences in one way or another.
How many people are sitting between G and C when counted in clockwise direction from G?
Six persons sit around the circular table facing towards the center. H sits immediate right of E. D sits second to the left of B. G and F are adjacent ...
How many persons are sitting between N and M (When counted from left of M)?
How many persons are facing away from the center?
Who sits third to the left of T?
Who sits third to the left of Ketan?
Who is second to the left of D?
Six persons D, E, F, G, H and I sit around an equilateral triangular shaped table facing towards the centre. One person sits at each side of the table a...
If L sits second to the left of I then how many seats are between L and E when counted from the right of E?
Who among the following sits opposite to N?