The correct answer is D
The deficiency of which nutrient causes slow and stunted plant growth, and purple colouration of the older leaves particularly on the underside?
Which year is considered as International year of Soil Science?
The sodium hazard (Sodicity hazard) of irrigation water are often expressed through SAR. What shall be considered a safe SAR value for irrigation water ...
NDVI of a crop can be measured by using
Saline soils are reclaimed by
Which of the following soil microorganisms is responsible for fixing atmospheric nitrogen into a usable form for plants?
The Indian institute of pulse research is situated at:
The term "handled the ball" is used in which game?
Beat suited N fertilizer for oilseed crop
a. (NH4)2SO4
b. (NH4)2NO3
c. NH4Cl
d. Ur...
An area having LGP 1 to 74 days is