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The correct answer is B
If the difference between C.I. and S.I. is Rs. 512 at 20% rate of interest in 3 years, then find the principal on C.I.?
Divide Rs 2,760 in to two parts such that when these are invested for 2 and 4 years, respectively, at the rate of 5% per annum simple interest, the amou...
What would be the annual interest accrued on a deposit of Rs.24,550 in a bank that pays a 22% per annum rate of simple interest?
A sum of ₹12,000 is invested at an annual interest rate of 10% for 2 years. What is the difference between the compound interest and simple interest a...
Shankar borrowed Rs. 7,200 at simple interest and repaid an amount of Rs. 9,504 after 7 years. If the interest rate p.a charged for first 4 years was 5%...
A sum of Rs. 2100 is invested at simple interest for 2 years. If the rate interest for first year is 15% p.a. while 25% p.a. for second year, then find ...
What will be the amount if a sum of Rs. 5500 is placed at compound interest for 3 years while the rate of interest for the first, second and third years...
Find the approx. compound interest on Rs. 5000 at 4% per annum for 2 years compounded half yearly?
A certain sum when invested for 3 years in a scheme offering simple interest of 12% p.a. gives an interest of Rs. 990. What is 120% of the sum invested?
Rohan deposited Rs. ‘Y’ in a bank offering compound interest of 10% p.a. compounded annually. After 3 years, he invested the amount received from th...