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The correct answer is B
Select the INCORRECTLY spelt word.
Direction: In each of the questions given below, four words are given in bold. These four words may or may not be in their correct position. The senten...
In the following question, a word has been used in sentences in THREE different ways. Choose the option corresponding to the sentences in which the usa...
i. The Prime Minister effected the schemes for farmers and local businessmen in the Northeas...
In the question, one word is given in bold and correspondence to that, three
sentences are given each containing that word. Choose the optio...
In each of the following questions, a word has been given and used in three statements. You are supposed to identify which of the statement/s use/s the...
Directions: In each question below, word is used in four different ways. Choose the option in which the usage of the word is INCORRECT or INAPPROPRIA...
The country will send its soldiers to solve the extremely confused and complicated situation in Afghanistan.
Directions: In each question below, word is used in four different ways. Choose the option in which the usage of the word is INCORRECT or INAPPROPRIA...
Select the word which means the same as the group of words given.
Something that cannot be avoided