Oligarchy and Monarchy are different types of government, on the basis of this, System Software and Firmware are different types of software Laptop and Desktop are different types of computers Letters and emails are different types of communication method But Republic and Government do not follow this pattern.
Find the greatest number of 4 digits divisible by 15, 25, 40 and 75.
The HCF of two numbers is 4. Which of the following can never be their LCM?
The sum of two numbers is 143, and their difference is 13. What is the L.C.M of these two numbers?
The least number which is exactly divisible by 15, 25 and 30 is
Find the HCF of 245, 350 and 385.
Find the HCF of 36, 108, and 156.
In a school, 68 boys and 119 girls have been divided into the largest possible equal classes, so that each class of boy numbers the same as each class o...
Find the LCM of x² – 8x + 15 and x² – 5x + 6 is.
The product of two numbers is 504 and their HCF is 6. Total number of such pairs of numbers is?