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Complementory - प्रशंसा, Denogatory - अपमान, Depreciating - मूल्यह्रास,
Which is the main source of income of the Gram Panchayat?
According to the Census of India 2011, the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes
were _____ and _____ of the country's population, respectively.
As of March 2022, what is the number of Scheduled Small Finance Banks in India?
Which of the following is a thermal power station of Uttar Pradesh?
Who was the first female Prime Minister in the world?
In ________, Fundamental Duties were added into the Indian Constitution.
Which one of the following is the longest river in Asia which passes through major part of East Asia?
Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) in India were established by the Government of India, under the provisions of RRBs Act, _____.
Pre-matric scholarship is given to
According to the 73rd amendment of the Constitution of India, what is the minimum age prescribed for the election of a member of a Panchayat?