Meaning of celestial : of the sky or of heaven Heavenly and celestial are the same meaning words.
Is there any presumption as to genuineness of certified copies under Indian Evidence Act, 1872?
If yes, then under which section?      Â...
Conspiracy to wage war against the government in India, is punishable under?
A preference shall be deemed to be given at a relevant time under the IBC a preference is given to a person other than a related party during the period...
An oral account of the contents of an original document is:
Attempt to wage war is punishable under which section of IPC?
Offences relating to Public servants is exclusively covered under which Chapter of IPC?
A police officer abetting the commission of an offence by concealing a design is punishable with?
Amit with a guilty intention, abets a child sonu to commit murder of balbir. Which of the following is true in above case?
Abetment of abetment is:
A instigates B to murder C. B refuses to do so. In this case which of the following is true statement?