
    In the question, a small paragraph is given with four highlighted words. You have to identify the highlighted word is correct used on its position or not. Mark an incorrectly used word 

    Unlike more decisive issues like Ukraine, terrorism is a subject where there is a broader consensus among UNSC members, so the meetings in India would have offered diplomats some welcome relief from the squabbles they have engaged in over the war in Europe

    A Decisive Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B Consensus Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C Squabbles Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D Engaged Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E All are correct Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    ‘Decisive’ means – producing a definite result, whereas ‘divisive’ means – tending to cause disagreement, the context of the sentence talks about divisive issues. So, ‘decisive’ is incorrect here ‘Consensus’ – a general agreement ‘Squabbles’ – trivial matter ‘Engaged’ – busy; occupied  

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