
    Choose the word that is most nearly similar in meaning to the given word-


    A Obfuscate Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B Clarify Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C Confuse Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D Complicate Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    The word "elucidate" means to make something clear or to explain it in detail. Therefore, a synonym for "elucidate" would be "clarify," which also means to make something easier to understand. Obfuscate means to make something unclear or difficult to understand, which is the opposite of "elucidate." Confuse means to make something unclear or to make someone unable to understand something, which is not a synonym for "elucidate." Complicate means to make something more difficult to understand or deal with, which is also opposite in meaning to "elucidate." Thus, "clarify" is the most appropriate synonym for "elucidate."

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