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"Clandestine" means something done in secret or hidden. The antonym would be "Overt," which means open or done publicly. "Surreptitious" is a synonym, and "Amorous" and "Casual" are unrelated to the meaning of "clandestine" in this context.
Carotene and other pigment in crop plants show the deficiency symptoms of element:
The root disease “club root” is caused by
Saline soils occur mostly in
Name the disease caused due to Rh factor:
Ecological study of individual organism is known as
Which of the following are correct about C₄ cycle and C₄ plant?
A. Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase is located in cytosol
B. C₄ ...
Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R
Assertion A: Theoretically, a planophile can...
The door of Stevenson screen faces the direction
Central Agmark Laboratory is located at:
A Double top cross refers to: