Sonnet means a poem that has 14 lines, each containing 10 syllables, and a fixed pattern of rhyme. Lyric means expressing an individual’s feelings and thoughts (poetry). A ballad is a song or poem that tells a story. Ode is a poem that speaks to an individual or thing or celebrates a special event
A and B together start a business with investment of Rs. 2100 and Rs. (x + 800), respectively. If the profit earned after 5 years is Rs. 7000 and share ...
‘K’ and ‘L’ started a business by investing Rs. 42,000 and Rs. 35,000, respectively. ‘L’ manages the business and for that he is entitled to...
'Akash', 'Bishnu', and 'Chintu' formed a partnership with investments of Rs. 4800, Rs. 3600, and Rs. 6400, respectively, for durations of 8 months, 1 ye...
'A' and 'B' started a business by investing Rs. '7x' and Rs. '5x' respectively. Nine months later, 'A' withdrew Rs. 600 from his investment whereas 'B' ...
"Karan" and "Arjun" launched a business, with "Karan" contributing 25% more capital than "Arjun." 8 months later, 'Arjun' pulled out of the investment. ...
‘X’ started a business with a capital of Rs. 30000. After 3 months, ‘Y’ joined the business with a capital of Rs. 25000. 6 months after ‘Y’,...
Anuj and Bheem began a business by investing Rs. Z and Rs. (Z + 2,500), respectively. After operating together for 16 months, Anuj withdrew from the bus...
‘M’ started a business with an investment of Rs. 2800. After 4 months ‘N’ joins the business with an investment of Rs. 2300. If the total profit...
A and B started a business by investing Rs.450 and Rs.600 respectively. After 8 months, A increased his investment by Rs.850. Find the ratio of annual p...
A and B enter into a partnership with their initial sum of Rs.18000 and Rs.24000 respectively. After 4 months, a third person C also joins them with his...