Explanation: "Profligate" means recklessly wasteful or extravagant. Its antonym is "frugal," which refers to being economical and avoiding waste. Extravagant: Spending excessively or beyond what is reasonable. Lavish: Excessively generous or luxurious. Reckless: Acting without thought or concern for the consequences. Wasteful: Using resources inefficiently or unnecessarily.
How do you typically handle ethical dilemmas?
Do you prefer to have a lot of structure and routine in your life?
Are you comfortable with expressing your emotions?
How do you typically handle criticism or negative feedback?
How likely are you to take on leadership roles or responsibilities in a group or organization?
How would you describe your level of emotional intelligence?
How frequently do you like spending time with other people?
How do you approach new people or social situations?
How often do you find yourself worrying about the future or things you cannot control?
How likely are you to prioritize the needs of others over your own needs?