
    Choose the alternative which can replace the bold word

    without changing the meaning of the sentence. The scientist’s perspicacity in analyzing complex data led to groundbreaking discoveries in the field of genetics.
    A Indolence Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B Diffidence Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C Ambiguity Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D Acumen Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    The word "perspicacity" refers to keen insight, sharpness of mind, and the ability to understand things quickly and accurately. The closest synonym is "acumen," which means exceptional insight or intelligence in a particular domain. "Indolence" means laziness, which is the opposite of keen perception."Diffidence" means shyness or lack of confidence, which does not relate to sharp intellectual ability."Ambiguity" refers to vagueness or uncertainty, which contrasts with clarity and insight.Thus, "acumen" is the most appropriate replacement.

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