Practice Vocabulary Questions and Answers

    Vocabulary Question & Answer

    Vocabulary is one of the most important topics in the English Language section of almost every competitive and government exam like- SEBI Grade A, IBPS PO, IBPS SO, SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, SBI PO, SBI Clerk and many others.

    What is Vocabulary?

    Vocabulary can be defined as a set of familiar words within a person's language. Vocabulary serves as a useful tool for communication and acquiring knowledge. Therefore, understanding the vocabulary words is important to understand where to put the words accurately.

    Tips to Improve Vocabulary

    • You  should try and use new words every day and try phrasing new sentences.
    •  You must develop a habit of reading more everyday. This will enable you to discover new words.
    • An effort should be made to always learn the root words. In the English language, there is the use of common root words.
    • Try using a thesaurus for reference, as it will help you in learning new words. Moreover, you will also be able to put those words into proper sentences.
    • Try reading unfamiliar words.
    • Maintain a separate notebook for noting down all the new words that you have learnt.
    • Try to extend your reading capacity, as much as you can.
    • Solve puzzles.
    • Practice new words in different ways.
    • Try making associations.
    • Start making vocabulary tests for yourself.
    • Start making a synonym/antonym list for yourself.

    Vocabulary Words with Meaning and Sentences

    Although it will not be possible to cover all the existing words, let's go through a list of some words that are most commonly used. 

    Absence lack, unavailability Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
    Ascetic one who practices self-denial as part of spiritual discipline She has adopted an ascetic life of prayer, fasting, and manual labour.
    Beguile influence someone in a deceptive way He beguiled the voters with his good looks.
    Brevity concise, short She explained the whole situation in brevity.
    Cajole  persuade by flattery or coaxing He hoped to cajole her into selling the house.
    Callous  disregard for others Her callous comments about the murder made me shiver.
    Dauntless  bold Hilter was a dauntless and cruel ruler.
    Dogmatic Thrusting one’s opinion or beliefs while reluctant to accept those of others. The leader seems quite dogmatic.
    Eclectic deriving the best ideas and styles from a diverse range of sources My university is offering an eclectic mix of courses.
    Egregious reprehensible or outrageously bad It is an egregious abuse of copyright.
    Feud major argument The feud between the two brothers lasted for one hour.
    Fluster upset There is a great fluster in the atmosphere due to increasing pollution.
    Gingerly carefully One should gingerly check their details.
    Grotesque ugly His grotesque appearance makes him less popular.
    Incumbent something that is morally binding The government realized that it was incumbent on them to act.
    Impeach denounce, censure He impeached the actress in front of everyone for her wrong deeds.
    Jumble  disturb My life gets jumbled everyday because of new obstacles.
    Lavish  wasteful He came to grief because of his lavish dating habits.
    Meddlesome  interfering She made a meddlesome statement.
    Multifarious multifaceted or diverse The university offers multifarious activities.
    Noxious  harmful Emission from petrol cars generating noxious gases causes pollution.
    Nimble quick or agile in movement. The youth was smaller and nimble , accustomed to navigating the forest
    Opulence  wealth His opulence made him have many fake friends.
    Overt  obvious Your dog must not display any overt signs of aggression.
    Promulgate to broadcast or announce These objectives have to be promulgated within the organization.
    Pernicious  destructive Aria’s approach is self-pernicious; she needs to expand a lot.
    Quip a clever remark  I usually make a quip when I pass by creative people.
    Quandary dilemma Yesterday I saw my teacher in a quandary.
    Refurbish  repair, renovate An individual can refurbish his/her image by discipline.
    Rapt  fully attentive She listened to the lecturer with rapt interest.
    Stupefy  stun She was stupied to her spot, when she saw an accident
    Smear  to make something blurred She painted a beautiful floral painting but, because of the rain it smeared.
    Tepid  mild The cheering from the balcony was tepid.
    Travesty distorting facts or imitation The absurdly lenient sentence is a travesty of justice.
    Ubiquitous  omnipresent or existing everywhere His ubiquitous influence was felt by the whole family.
    Uncanny  Strange or mysterious. The portrait’s appearance was uncanny.
    Vociferous something or someone who is offensively/ conspicuously loud. He was a vociferous opponent of the takeover.
    Varnish  add a layer to; embellish The painter varnished the windows.
    Wreathe  envelope or surround. The cops wreathed the crime site immediately.
    Yonder  referring to something far away. Consider the yonder side of any issue before deciding.
    Zilch  nil Environmental concern is zilch these days.

    Sample Questions on Vocabulary

    Q1) The prince abdicated the crown and returned to his castle. Abdicated means…

    • Gave up
    • Sold
    • Reinvested into
    • Auctioned

    Answer: Option 1


    To abdicate means to relinquish or give up a throne, power, right, or responsibility.

    Q2) The convicted criminal absconded prior to the sentencing phase of the trial. Absconded means…

    • Touched the jury
    • Reported immediately
    • Left after discussion
    • Departed secretly

    Answer: Option 4


    To abscond means to flee or escape secretly and hide. It can also mean taking off with something (e.g. “He absconded with the treasure.”)

    Q3) The old man was benevolent with his fortune. Benevolent means…

    • Secretive
    • Stingy
    • Kind
    • Careful

    Answer: Option 3


    Benevolent means kind or good. It does not mean secretive (1), i.e. keeping secret. In this sentence, stingy (2) is an antonym for “benevolent with his fortune.” Benevolent does not mean careful (4) or cautious.

    Q4) The attorney accused the witness of defaming the defendant. Defaming means…

    • Killing
    • Badgering
    • Suffocating
    • Slandering

    Answer: Option 4


    To defame means to slander, libel, or otherwise disparage the reputation or actions of another. It does not mean to kill (1), badger (2) or harass; or to suffocate (3) or smother.

    Q5) The winning team of the World Series often has a jovial attitude. Jovial means…

    • Merry
    • Sad
    • Somber
    • Laborious

    Answer: Option 1


    Jovial means happy or merry, the opposite of sad (2) and somber (3). It does not mean laborious (4), i.e. effortful, difficult, or painstaking.


    Having a good knowledge of vocabulary plays a very important role in answering questions in various competitive exams accurately. A good vocabulary will help you in solving questions on cloze test, error spotting, reading comprehension, etc. Therefore, it is advised that candidates must focus on their vocabulary to score well in the English Language section. You can expect around 4 to 5 questions in the exam.

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