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The severe budgetary constraints meant that shooting had to take place with the actors living night and day among actual sugarcane labourers by absorbing their processes.
Consider the following statements about National Geoscience Data Repository (NGDR) Portal:
1. Union Ministry of Mines launch the NGDR...
Which country have taken first place in the medal tally in International Shooting Sport Federation, ISSF World Cup 2022 in Cairo?
What was the average cost of a data breach in India in 2024, according to IBM's report?
Consider the following statements regarding the penalties imposed by RBI on certain banks-
I.The Reserve Bank has imposed a Rs 50 lakh penalty on...
Recently at which place President Ram Nath Kovind has inaugurated Swadesh Darshan Yojana?
What is the main objective of the newly launched accelerator program "RISE" by AIM, NITI Aayog, in collaboration with CSIRO, Australia's national scienc...
Which financial services company will offer UPI 123PAY digital payment facility which is an instant IVR-based payment system (Interactive Voice Respon...
Recently NMA has recommended Sankalp Bhumi Banyan tree campus to be declared as a monument of National importance . Which among the following places it ...
Which Union Minister launches “Geospatial Hackathon” to promote Innovation and Start-Ups in India’s Geospatial ecosystem?
As of December 29, 2023, what percentage of ₹2,000 banknotes in circulation has been returned to the Reserve Bank of India (RBI)?