When a sentence begins with no other it should use the positive degree i.e preety.Also we use the third person pronoun i.e she instead of her.
Which of the following steps were taken during the Liberalisation process in India?
I- The new policy encouraged the entry of private sector firm...
What percentage of their total outstanding advances, are RRBs to lend to the sectors eligible for classification as priority sector lending and sub sect...
Country A, a developing economy, has experienced a significant increase in foreign direct investment (FDI) in recent years. This has led to the establis...
What is the tenure of the SGB?
Which financial center has moved up 14 places in the GFCI 35 rankings for the Middle East & Africa region?
Which of the following is NOT a use of ATM cards?
What is limited recourse financing?
Rupee revenue stamp is used for which amount in India?
Authorised capital of a company is Rs.5 lakh and 40% of it is paid up. What would be the tangible net-worth of the company if it reported Loss during...