Corrected Sentence: "Despite the relentless (D) challenges faced by the intrepid explorer during his arduous (B) journey through the unforgiving (C) wilderness, his indomitable (A) spirit propelled him forward."
What has been the trend in the all-India annual unemployment rate (UR) for persons aged 15 years and above from 2017-18 to 2022-23, according to the Pe...
In the Classical model, if there is an increase in aggregate demand, what will be the long-run effect on output and prices?
A decrease in the tax to GDP ratio indicates which of the following:
Slowing economic growth rate
...'Distributed Profits' is also known as:
Consider a bargaining game:
Find pure strategy Nash equilibrium.
For a positively sloped LM curve, which of the following statements is CORRECT?
An oil exploration company intends to drill an exploratory well in each of two geologically unrelated regions A and B. If the probability of f...
An employee has a basic pay of Rs. 12000 and a D.A. of 12% in 1997. If the employee should get a 5% rise in real income each year, what should be the DA...
What is the investment multiplier when the marginal propensity to consume is 0.60 and the marginal propensity to import is 0.20
What is the probability of getting the sum as a prime number if two dice are thrown?