The sentence highlights the impact of post-Covid economic changes on income inequality within the consumer pyramid and how this inequality extends to the corporate sector. It suggests a widening gap between the wealthy and the less affluent, which can have significant implications for both economic and social dynamics. ‘Disproportionate’ can replace "inequality" to convey the idea that there has been an unequal distribution of gains or benefits among different sections of the consumer pyramid. The term "disproportionate gain" would suggest that certain segments of the pyramid have gained more than others. However, ‘different’ and ‘distortion’ do not make sense if replaced accordingly. ‘Divergence’ can replace "skewed" to indicate the idea that there has been a divergence or separation between different sections of the consumer pyramid. "Divergence in the consumer pyramid" would suggest that there has been a widening gap or disparity between the top and bottom sections. ‘Reflective’ can replace "intent" to suggest that the observed inequality or divergence within the consumer pyramid is reflective or indicative of similar patterns or dynamics within the corporate sector. "Reflective in the corporate sector" would imply that the disparities observed in consumer behavior are mirrored or echoed in corporate practices or outcomes. Hence, Option B is the correct answer.
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