
    In each of the following question, a sentence is given

    with three words marked as (A), (B) and (C). These words may or may not be placed at their correct places. Four option with different arrangement of these words are given. Mark the option with correct arrangement as your answer. If no arrangement is required then mark option (E) as your answer. As their in-house designer, he  created(A)  artwork that helped define them as purveyors of dark and complex alt-rock music; with their  clashing(B)  fonts and boldly allusive but mysterious symbolism, his sleeves became some of the most  revered(C)  in modern pop.
    A CBA Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B BAC Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C CAB Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D BCA Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E No arrangement required Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    The correct answer is E

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