
    In the question below, a sentence is given with four

    words highlighted in bold, followed by options that provide a replacement for each word. From the options, choose the word that must be replaced with its appropriate replacement. If all the highlighted words are correct and none need to be replaced, or if the incorrect word is not provided with an appropriate replacement, choose option (e), i.e. ‘None of the above’. The cataclysmic volcanic eruptions enlightened the planet in a tenacious shroud of acrid ash, scorching the skies and rendering the landscape an uninhabitable wasteland.
    A cataclysmic - catacomb Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B enlightened - enshrouded Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C tenacious - turbulent Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D acrid - aromatic Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E None of the above Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    The sentence describes volcanic eruptions covering the planet in ash, making it uninhabitable. The word acrid (sharp, pungent, unpleasant smell) is appropriate for describing ash, and tenacious (persistent, clinging) fits well with "shroud." However, enshrouded means covered or concealed, while enlightened means informed or educated, which does not fit in this context.

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