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The sentence talks about insects, like bees, using the food obtained by plants in the form of nectar and pollen. The highlighted words are incorrectly used as they fail to make the sentence coherent; perturbed - feeling anxiety or concern; unsettled. A is incorrect as the first word does not fit in the context; incriminating - making someone appear guilty of a crime or wrongdoing. B is incorrect as the second word does not fit in the context - plants cannot 'state'. C is incorrect for the same reason as A. D is correct as both the words fit in the given context and also make the sentence meaningful. D is the right answer.
How is M related to L?
Who among the following person attends the seminar just after V?
Z ≤ Y < E < I; O > P > V > Q = I;
I) Y > O
II) Q > Z
Which person plays match in March?
Which of the following pair of boxes were placed at the bottom most position?
E likes which of the following game?
Which of the following combination is true with respect to the final arrangement?
Which of the following combinations is correct
Who among the following sits exactly between the one who likes Sony and Z?
Four of the following five are like a group find the one that does not like that group?