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A-D (luggage ↔ registering): "Luggage" does not fit in the first part of the sentence; "registering a complaint" is the correct phrase. "Luggage" correctly fits in the last part of the sentence. B-C (month ↔ following): "Month up through phone calls" is incorrect; the correct phrase is "following up through phone calls." "For over a month" is the correct usage. Thus, swapping A-D & B-C makes the sentence grammatically and contextually correct. Despite registering ( D ) a complaint at Pune airport and following ( C ) up through phone calls for over a month ( B ), the elderly couple are yet to get their luggage ( A-D (luggage ↔ registering): "Luggage" does not fit in the first part of the sentence; "registering a complaint" is the correct phrase. "Luggage" correctly fits in the last part of the sentence. B-C (month ↔ following): "Month up through phone calls" is incorrect; the correct phrase is "following up through phone calls." "For over a month" is the correct usage. Thus, swapping A-D & B-C makes the sentence grammatically and contextually correct. Despite registering ( D ) a complaint at Pune airport and following ( C ) up through phone calls for over a month ( B ), the elderly couple are yet to get their luggage (A).
The owner of the business is treated as a creditor of the business according to which of the following concept?
Who assassinated Sir Curzon-Wylie in London?
In the following question, five number pairs are given. In each pair the number on left side of (-) is related to the number of the right side of (-) wi...
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According to the Social Security Code, 2020, the employer's contribution to the deposit-linked insurance fund set up under the insurance scheme should n...
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Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala was recently selected as the first woman Director-General of WTO. She hails from which one of the following countries?
Which of the following is NOT a valid addressing mode in computer architecture?