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Obnoxious - Being annoying or objectionable due to being a total show-off or trying to attract undue attention to oneself. The kids from rich families are used to getting undue attention as they are over pampered and sometimes show a disrespectful behaviour towards other people.
Which one of the following is not a weather hazard?
Which insect pest of brinjal is characterized by bore holes on shoots and fruits, often plugged with excreta?
Water activity of IMF
In which type of flower does the margin of the thalamus grow upward and enclose the ovary completely, making the ovary inferior?
What is the cost of reclamation of acidic soils under RKVY?
Which soil horizon in Oxisols is characterized by a high accumulation of iron and aluminum oxides?
Vertebrates have a ventral muscular heart with………………..chambers
What is the field capacity of tractor drawn power harrow?
In gametophytic self-incompatibility system, when sib matings are carried out, the crosses are
Which of the following antibiotics component in corn leaves affects European corn borer?