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Cultivation of crops in areas receiving annual rainfall more than750 mm but less than 1150 mm is known as
The most suitable soil type for groundnut cultivation is _____
Which one of these metals is used as a shield against radioactive emissions?
Which is the apex body of the packaging industry in India.
What is the causal agent of Bacterial Leaf Blight in cotton?
The site of protein synthesis is Ribosomes and The Ribosomes attached to the surface of Endoplasmic Reticulum is termed as
Photosynthetic pathway is a critical factor to consider, particularly since many of the world's most problematic weeds are:
Due to deficiency of Zn causing Khaira disease in the rice field, the disease caused on the rice field appears __ ?
What is the target for lending to small and marginal farmers within the target for
agriculture sector by domestic scheduled commercial banks b...
Which is the alternate host of stem rust of wheat?