We cannot clutch 'off' someone's hand; We simply 'clutch' something or someone. Clutch - holding something /someone tightly. - an equipment that we press while changing gears in a vehicle. - a small group - hold/control of someone .
Article 'Q' is sold at a profit of 20% which earns a profit of Rs. 400. If Article 'Q' is marked 50% above its cost price and then sold after offering t...
An item is initially priced 36% higher than its cost price. After applying a 25% discount, it sells for a profit of Rs. 30. If, instead, the item is mar...
The ratio of cost price of articles 'G' and 'H' is 9:11, respectively. If articles 'G' and 'H' are sold at a profit of 50% and 30%, respectively, then t...
A seller initially marked the price of an article 25% higher than its cost price. However, to finalize the sale, a 30% discount was offered on this mark...
A shopkeeper sold an article at a discount of 17%. If he had given a discount of 9% in place of 17%, then he would have earned Rs. 108 more. If the cost...
A dishonest seller, at the time of selling and purchasing uses weight 20% less and 20% more per kg respectively and marks up the price of his goods by 3...
If Mohit purchased some goods for Rs. 1240 and sold one-fourth of these goods at a loss of 12% then at what gain per cent should the remainder goods be ...
A person bought an article and sold it at a loss of 20%. If he had bought it at 10% less price and sold it for 7400 more, he would have gained 30%. Find...
The initial item has a markup and discount percentage both set at 15%, with a selling price of Rs. 1955. If a discount of 10% is applied to the same ite...
A shopkeeper sold a jacket for Rs. 3500 at a loss of 30%. At what price should he have sold the jacket, to earn a profit of 25%?