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Hold- grasp, carry, or support with one's arms or hands ‘Hold’ is incorrectly used in option D. In the other sentences, the word ‘hold’ is used correctly.
India is not part of which of the following?
What is the impact of an increase in the reverse repo rate?
Deficit financing is a tool of which economic policy?
Who issues Treasury Bills in India?
If the cash reserve ratio (CRR) decreases, what will happen to credit creation?
What does 'NFT' stand for in the context of blockchain technology?
As per the Economic Survey 2016-17, the expected range of GDP growth (at constant price) for the year 2017-18 is between?
Match the following Important Books on Economics with their respective Authors.
Books on Economics Author
(i) The Wealth of NationsA. Ir...
Which bank has been awarded the global 'Celent Model Bank' award under the category – 'Payments System Transformation'?
Which entity is tasked with the administration of direct tax laws in India?