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I. Despite facing numerous challenges, her piqued efforts to master the new programming language eventually paid off, leading to successful project completion. - This sentence uses "piqued" incorrectly. "Piqued" usually refers to a sudden or slight interest or curiosity, not sustained effort. In this case, "increased" or "persistent" would be more accurate words to describe her dedication. II. Her curiosity was piqued when she overheard the intriguing conversation at the neighboring table, prompting her to learn more about the mysterious topic. - This sentence uses "piqued" correctly. It describes a sudden spark of curiosity aroused by the overheard conversation, which led her to further exploration. III. The pique rain over several days led to flooding in low-lying areas, highlighting the need for improved drainage systems in the region. - This sentence uses "pique" incorrectly. While "pique" can refer to a light rainfall, the flooding suggests a heavier and more sustained downpour. Words like "heavy" or "persistent" would be more appropriate to describe the rainfall in this context.
If all the symbols are dropped from the given arrangement, then which of the following will be the seventh element to the right of “3”?
What will be the next set of alphabets in the series?
If the last twelve elements in the above arrangement are arranged in a reverse order, then which of the following will be twenty four from the left end...
Select the option that is related to the third term in the same way as the second term is related to first term.
In the given arrangement, which element is 5th to the left of 4th letter from the right end?
What will come in place of question mark (?) in the following series?
Arrange the words in the alphabetical order and pick the one that come at second last.
In a certain code language, ‘PLAN’ is coded as ‘47’ and ‘MARK’ is coded as ‘47’. How is ‘BIRD’ coded in the given code language?
...How many letters are there between the second symbol from the left end and the 5 th number from the right end in the given arrangement?
Which element is exactly in the middle of third vowel from the left end and eighth symbol from the right end of the given arrangement?