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I. Despite facing numerous challenges, her piqued efforts to master the new programming language eventually paid off, leading to successful project completion. - This sentence uses "piqued" incorrectly. "Piqued" usually refers to a sudden or slight interest or curiosity, not sustained effort. In this case, "increased" or "persistent" would be more accurate words to describe her dedication. II. Her curiosity was piqued when she overheard the intriguing conversation at the neighboring table, prompting her to learn more about the mysterious topic. - This sentence uses "piqued" correctly. It describes a sudden spark of curiosity aroused by the overheard conversation, which led her to further exploration. III. The pique rain over several days led to flooding in low-lying areas, highlighting the need for improved drainage systems in the region. - This sentence uses "pique" incorrectly. While "pique" can refer to a light rainfall, the flooding suggests a heavier and more sustained downpour. Words like "heavy" or "persistent" would be more appropriate to describe the rainfall in this context.
make full use of and derive benefit from a resource
an idea that is based on feeling and for which there is no proof
In each of the given questions, three sentences are given with a phrase/idiom highlighted in bold. You have to select the answer choice that s...
He is a real chip off the old block; he looks and acts just like his father.
They doubt the maid has got _____________ so they do not keep much money at home.
Whoop it up
In the following question a proverb/idiom us given. Select the option that best describes the meaning of the given proverb/idiom.
A stitch in ti...
Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
On the spur of the moment
Select the most appropriate meaning of the bold idiom.
The police are looking into the matter.
Cloak- and - dagger