
    In the given question, a word has been given

    and there are three ways in which the word has been used, in similar or different forms. You need to see which of the sentences have correctly used the highlighted word, and mark that as your answer.  HIGHLIGHT I. The festival was designed to highlight the cultural achievements of the community and bring people together in celebration. II. She decided to highlight her notes with different colours to make it easier to study for her exams. III. Gusty winds and heavy rainfall highlight the states and adjoining areas, affecting traffic and local people.
    A Only I Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B Only I & II Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C Only II & III Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D Only I & III Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E All I, II & III Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    Solution Both I and II use the given word correctly. HIGHLIGHT means to emphasise or make prominent; I uses this word to convey how the festival emphasised cultural achievements. HIGHLIGHT also means to mark something for attention; II uses this word to convey how she marked her notes to make studying easier. Thus, B is the right answer. III is incorrect as it confuses HIT (strike) with HIGHLIGHT. It explains that strong winds and heavy rainfall strike the states and adjacent states which ultimately affects its traffic and people.

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