
    In the question below, three sentences are given, each

    of which has two words highlighted in bold. Choose the word in each sentence that fits appropriately in the context, and select the right option. 1. Insects such as bees and ants are often held up as the (A) episode /(B) epitome of the robotically mechanistic approach to animal nature. 2. Scientists have long known that these creatures must (A) possess /(B) pose a large behavioural inclination in order to construct their elaborate homes, defend against intruders, and provision their young with food. 3. In the (A) absence /(B) assent of external stimuli or internal triggers such as hunger, it's believed that the insect's mind is dark and its brain is switched off.
    A AAA Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B ABA Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C ABB Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D BAA Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E BAB Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    1.       (d) 1 - EPISODE means the occurrence of an incident, while EPITOME means a perfect example or ideal of something. The sentence talks about how certain insects are the perfect example of a mechanistic approach to animal nature. B will be used here. 2-POSSESS means to own, and POSE means to present. The sentence talks about how these insects must have certain instincts to survive. A will be used here. 3-ABSENCE means lack, and ASSENT means permission. The sentence talks about how the lack of external stimuli causes the insect's mind to be turned off. A will be used here. Thus, (d) is the right answer.

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