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1. (a) 1-OCCUPIED means to hold a position, while PREOCCUPIED means to be busy. The sentence talks about the position held by whales, so A will be used. 2- CARCASSES means dead remains, and CANTANKEROUS means bad-tempered and uncooperative. The sentence talks about how the dead remains of sperm whales shocked European coastal communities, so A will be used. 3- INFUSIONS means the introduction of a new element into something, while CONFUSION means uncertainty. A will be used here as the sentence talks about the introduction of lifeblood into seaside villages. Thus, (a) is the right answer.
इनमें से 'देशज' शब्द है :
दश हैं आनन जिसके अर्थात् दशानन (रावण) में कौन-सा समास है?
शुद्ध वाक्य का चयन कीजिये ?
आधुनिक मानव के हाल का पूर्वज कौन है? –
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