'Bait' is a verb, which means 'deliberately annoy or taunt(someone) '. Usage in statement III is grammatically and contextually correct. The word is used as an adjective in statement I and II to qualify the noun 'breath'. Hence, they are grammatically incorrect. Hence, (e) is correct.
Which of the following is an apex organization of marketing cooperatives for agricultural produce in India?
Shade loving plants are
Semi dwarf rice indica variety released from Taiwan in sixties is
Tempering in seed drying refers to
How do percolation pits contribute to sustainable water availability?
For proper control of weeds, it is always necessary to use
Which of the following is matched correctly?
Silk gland in silkworm is a modification of……………………..
Which of the following is not a vector quantity?
The pungency in uninjured garlic is due to the presence of