Insouciant means carefree or unconcerned. The opposite is worried, which indicates a state of concern or anxiety.
How is P related to N if L is a female?
Six persons P, V, A, S, K and R have different weights. A is heavier than only one person. V is just heavier than R, who is heavier than S. K is heavier...
Which of the following given pair is different from rest?
All 26 students in a class are standing in a row facing north. Manisha is 14th from the right end and Neetu is 9th from left end h...
Q is older than R. N and O are of equal age. S is the youngest. P is younger than O. P is older than Q. How many persons are younger than P?
Seven persons, M, N, O, P, Q, R and S are of different weights. Only Q is lighter than O. P is heavier than M. R is heavier than N. P is not heavier tha...
Five friends, P, Q, R, S, and T, each have a different number of pets. P has more pets than Q but fewer than T. R has fewer pets than Q. S is not the on...
Seven persons, A, B, C, D, E, F and G, are of different heights. C is taller than only one person. B is taller than A, who is immediate taller than C. B...
There are five persons J, K, L, N and O of different heights. J is taller than L and N. O is taller than J. K is shorter than O but taller than at least...
In a class of 58 students, all the students are sitting in a row facing north, Reyansh is sitting 28th from the right end of the row. Only 17 students a...