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Conservatism principle states that record for the anticipated losses and Expenses. It is also called prudence principle. Example-Provision for Doubtful debt - The debtors have not defaulted yet, but if you are anticipating a default in the future, record it as an expense now. Also, Valuation of Inventory is done at Cost or Net Realizable Value, whichever is less.
Given below are four sentences, which are jumbled. Pick the option that gives the correct order.
P - Raju was deeply affected by a rail accident ...
Choose the appropriate option to arrange the sentences in the correct order to form a meaningful paragraph.
1-Five men entered Ram’s house toda...
Choose the appropriate option to arrange the sentences in the correct order to form a meaningful paragraph.
A-It requires physical endurance, whi...
Given below are four jumbled sentences. Select the option that gives their correct order.
A. It produced a squeaky little note that startled ...
A. The home then was a bungalow, single storied and bounded by walls.
B. He states that in the early 1950's houses in most cities relied on the b...
Which of the following is the sixth (last) sentence of the passage?
Given below are four sentences in jumbled order. Pick the option that gives their correct order.
A. She had never seen the like of it before.
...Which of the following is the sixth (last) sentence of the passage?
(a) From a dedicated space for book lovers, the Visakhapatnam Public Library ...
Which of the following is the sixth (last) sentence of the passage?
Which of the following is the first sentence of the passage?