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The PRAN or Permanent Retirement Account Number is a unique 12 digit number that identifies those individuals who have registered themselves under the National Pension Scheme (NPS). Issuing and dispatch of PRAN (Permanent Retirement Account Number) card, maintenance and digitization of PRAN database and record subscriber’s related transactions is the responsibility of the Central Recordkeeping Agency (CRA). There are three CRAs appointed by PFRDA for the specified functions- Protean e-Gov Technologies Ltd (formerly known as NSDL e- Governance Infrastructure Ltd. (CRA1), KFin Technologies Pvt Ltd. (CRA2) and Computer Age Management Services Ltd (CAMS) (CRA3).
If TABLE is written as 84973 and CHAIR is written as 51462, then how is TEACHER coded?
Which two signs should be interchanged to make the given equation correct?
36× 15 + 784 – 16 ÷ (45× 12) = 49
If ÷ is interchanged with − and × is interchanged with +, then which of the following expressions is correct?
Which figure from the given options would replace the question mark (?) if the following figure series were to be continued?
Select the option in which the following figure is embedded. (Rotation is NOT allowed)
In a certain code language, if EIGHT is written GKJLV, then how will GRADE be written in the same code language?