Treasury bonds are considered risk-free assets, meaning there is no risk that the investor will lose their principal i.e. investors that hold the bond until maturity are guaranteed their principal or initial investment. There is no credit risk and with lower risk, the return is also lower. Furthermore, Treasury bills and bonds are purchased by the financial institutions for fulfilling their various regulatory requirements (like SLR). For the bulk purchase, their prices rise and yields turn low. The amount of capital a bank is required to hold in support of investment in treasury bills and bonds is lower as compared to capital to be held for other instruments with very low risk.
When rocks break down because of chemical reactions, it is called ______.
Chemiosmotic theory was first put forward by
Which one of the following is not a measure of 'Income-inequality':
Insects are studied in .......................................?
Marginal utility signifies
ICRISAT was established in the year
Drainage of one ha-cm in 24 hours equals to drainage of how much water
Removal of small buds to obtain the bigger flowers is called as
Under India’s constitutional provision of Article 21, what right does it assure to the citizens of India?
ATIC is component of