The call provision gives the issuer the right to purchase the bonds at a given price, which the issuer would not do unless that price was below the market price. This is detrimental for bondholders as they will get call price as a redemption price and will face reinvestment risk as they will have to invest their proceedings at a lower rate.
Which of these resistances is contributing maximum to the gas exchange in leaves?
Which of the following is the major pest of wheat
Communication is the process by which messages are transferred from source to:
Which of the following is NOT a physical method of food preservation
Interveinal chlorosis with tints of red orange and purple colors are typical deficiency symptoms of__________
The test to confirm presence of Sesame oil in Vanaspati in sufficient quantity as per regulations is:
The loan criteria for Kisan credit card scheme includes:
South coastal Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu receives rainfall from _______
Which one of the following food colours is NOT permitted to be used in foods?
What is the germination percentage requirement for foundation and certified seed classes in paddy?